Rui Carvalho

Rui Carvaho

Assistant Professor
Department of Engineering

Durham University
Lower Mountjoy
South Road

Office E384 (Christopherson Building)
Phone: ++44 (0) 191 33 42382

My Curriculum Vitae can be found here (updated September 2023).

My research focuses on system identification with methods of statistical machine learning.

I was a Senior Research Associate at the Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Prior to that, I was a Research Fellow, and a Researcher Co-Investigator at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London.

I am an EPSRC Researcher in Residence at the The National Biologics Manufacturing Centre and I am a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College.

PhD Students:

Weizhen Li
Yuzheng Zhang
Jiayi Niu


Kevin Egan (PhD December 2023). Now: Ocean Model Research Scientist, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Selected Publications:

18. Automating the Discovery of Partial Differential Equations in Dynamical Systems
Weizhen Li, Rui Carvalho
Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 5, 035046 (2024)

17. Automatically discovering ordinary differential equations from data with sparse regression
Kevin Egan, Weizhen Li, Rui Carvalho
Commun Phys 7, 20 (2024)

16. Analysis of energy consumption at slow charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Milan Straka, Rui Carvalho, Gijs van der Poel and Lubos Buzna
IEEE Access 9, 53885-53901 (2021)

15. Controlling congestion on complex networks: fairness, efficiency and network structure
Lubos Buzna, Rui Carvalho
Scientific Reports 7, 9152 (2017)

14. Critical behaviour in charging of electric vehicles
Rui Carvalho, Lubos Buzna, Richard Gibbens, Frank Kelly
New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 095001
Reviewed in (September 2015)
Reviewed in Wissenschaft-Aktuell [in German] (October 2015)

13. Congestion dependencies in the European gas pipeline network during crises
Lubos Buzna, Rui Carvalho, Flavio Bono, Marcelo Masera, David Arrowsmith
Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG), 2014

12. Resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts, crises and disruptions
Rui Carvalho, Lubos Buzna, Flavio Bono, Marcelo Masera, David Arrowsmith, Dirk Helbing
PLoS ONE 9(3): e90265 (2014)
Reviewed in MIT Technology Review (December 2013)
Reviewed in (March 2014)
Reviewed in ETHZ News (March 2014)
Reviewed in Energy Post (January 2014)
Reviewed in Journal of Energy Security (April 2014)
Reviewed in De Ingenieur (May 2014)

Slides of my talk at the The third Cambridge Networks Day (May 2014)

11. Fair sharing of resources in a supply network with constraints
Rui Carvalho, Lubos Buzna, Wolfram Just, Dirk Helbing, David Arrowsmith
Phys. Rev. E 85, 046101 (2012)
Selected for the PRE Kaleidoscope (April 2012)

10. Robustness of trans-European gas networks
Rui Carvalho, Lubos Buzna, Flavio Bono, Eugenio Gutierrez, Wolfram Just, David Arrowsmith
Phys. Rev. E 80, 016106 (2009)
Reviewed by Mark Newman in Networks: An Introduction (see pp 33 and 34)
Reviewed by Phillip F. Schewe in Inside Science News Service (in and Georgia Energy&Gas)

9. Scaling and allometry in the building geometries of Greater London
Michael Batty, Rui Carvalho, Andy Hudson-Smith, Richard Milton, Duncan Smith, Philip Steadman
Eur. Phys. J. B 63, 303–314 (2008)

8. Socioeconomic networks with long-range interactions
Rui Carvalho and Giulia Iori
Phys. Rev. E 78, 016110 (2008)
Selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research and the PRE Kaleidoscope (July 2008)

7. The Geography of scientific productivity: scaling in U.S. Computer Science
Rui Carvalho and Michael Batty
J. Stat. Mech. (2006) P10012
Reviewed by Katy Borner in Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know

6. Encoding geometric information in road networks extracted from binary images
Rui Carvalho and Michael Batty
Environment and Planning B, 32(2), 179 – 190 (2005)

5. Automatic extraction of hierarchical urban networks: a micro-spatial approach
Rui Carvalho and Michael Batty
in Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference (Eds Bubak, M., van Albada, G. D., Sloot, P.M. and Dongarra, J.J.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Volume 3038/2004, pp 1109 - 1116
[CASA Working Paper 73]

4. Scaling and universality in the micro-structure of urban space
Rui Carvalho and Alan Penn
Physica A 332 (2004) 539 - 547
Reviewed by Philip Ball in The urban maze, and Critical Mass : How One Thing Leads to Another

3. The dynamics of the linear random farmer model
Rui Carvalho
in Economic Complexity: Non-linear Dynamics, Multi-agents Economies and Learning
W.A. Barnett, C. Deissenberg, G. Feichtinger (eds.), Elsevier, 2004, pp 411-430

2. From synchronization to multistability in two coupled quadratic maps
Rui Carvalho, B. Fernandez, R. Vilela Mendes
Physics Letters A 285 (2001) 327-338

1. Feigenbaum networks
Rui Carvalho, R. Vilela Mendes, João Seixas
Physica D 126 (1999) 27-37

My PhD thesis can be found here.

In The Media:

13. What's the best way to charge millions of electric vehicles at once,
12. Gerechtes Stromnetz: Optimiertes Aufladen von Elektroautos, Wissenschaft-Aktuell [in German]
11. De Europese Gasrotonde, De Ingenieur
10. Doing the Numbers on European Natural Gas Security, Journal of Energy Security
9. Preventing natural gas crises, ETH News
8. Europe's resilience of natural gas networks during conflicts and crises probed with maths,
7. Researchers: Europe can avoid gas supply crisis by better cooperation, Energy Post
6. How Internet-Style Routing For Gas Could Dramatically Improve Europe's Energy Security, MIT Technology Review
5. I co-organized a FuturICT talk at QMUL by Prof. Dirk Helbing on the 29th March 2011 (Press release: FuturICT and Social Mathematics Talk). The talk is available on Vimeo here.
4. ImpactQM: Research Making a Difference
3. Why the gas is always on, by Phillip F. Schewe.
2. The urban maze,
1. Critical Mass : How One Thing Leads to Another, by Philip Ball